Aku bangun pagi tadi...kepala aku terasa berat sangat. Badan terasa letih, lemah dan lesu. Taktau pasal apa. Minggu lepas masa dekat rumah mertua, aku tak boleh tidur. Badan terasa seram sejuk, hati tak tenteram, air mata mengalir. Terasa sedih dan sayu je hati ramadhan tahun nie. And so..... i've decided to take an emergency leave and resting at home.
I watched this movie for the 2nd time :

If only we have more times, if only we know when we gonna die, I bet we all appreciate everything happened each day in our life.
serious, aku nangis weii tgk movie ni..... tapi at the end....cerita ni mampu memberi impact sweet-smile-happiness kat dalam diri aku.
p/s : terasa nak mula kumpul dvd semula lah.
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