
I am pregnant

Okay, i am ofifcially 14 weeks and 6 days. I rasa cepat sangat masa berlalu tapi lambat. Macam mana tu. Alhamdulillah, morning sickness dah kurang. Selera makan pun dah bertambah cuma tak boleh makan banyak (kuantiti yang sedikit) tapi kena makan kerap. Kalau tak perut berbunyi lapar. Semuanya nampak menyelerakan. Rasa loya tu masih ada tapi tak muntah lah. Kalau muntah pun 1/10 kot.

What i feel on the 14 weeks pregnancy :
- nothing much change for this week ecxept my mood swings. I easily get angry. And I know it is not good for me and the baby, but it is beyond my control. :(
- I can do most of the housework but i find myself breathless and tired within a minute. Including jalan-jalan window shopping. Kerap sangat rasa letih dan mudah tertidur.
- Having some minor acne problem.
- I am no longer zipping up most of my jeans even the baju kurung. (dah sampai masa kot hunting for maternity clothes, i did buy a few actually)
- I rasa perut i bulat sangat mcm dah 4-5 months.
- I have to stop drinking the milk for pregnant mom sbb i rasa meloyakan.

Okay. I tak sabar nak tunggu for the next checkup, nak tgk baby buat sommersault lagi. hehehehe


  1. good news kak..congrats....up la latest picture...

  2. tahniah buat lydia n suami...jg kesihatan, bykkn mmbaca, buat soalan matematik,makan kekacang, minum susu dan mengaji....

  3. @ Ira : thanks dik, gambar tgh comot2 ade lah. ade akak dah upload kat fb. dah tgk kan.
    @ rinel : tq mate
